Weather for Cedar Park Texas with Video and Statistics

Local Radar

Cedar Park Weather

Updated: 5:01pm on 4/18/24

 Temperature:  86.4°

 Changing 1.68°/hr

Rain:  0.00 in 

High: 86.4° 
  Low: 71.5° 

Wind:  0 mph


Gust: 14 mph

Direction:  SE


High Wind:  16 mph (12:27am)

Humidity:  69%


Pressure:  29.72 in  (Falling)

Wind Chill:  86.4°


Heat Index:  95.6°

Hourly Rain:


0.00 in

Rain Rate:


0.000 in

24 Hour Rain:


0.00 in

Monthly Rain:


1.90 in

Yearly Rain:

9.41 in

iPhone Version

US Radar






High Temperature

86.4° (5:01pm) 

92.4° (4/4/24)

92.4° (4/4/24)

Low Temperature

71.5° (2:52am)

44.5° (4/3/24)

15.4° (1/17/24)

Heat Index

95.6° (5:01pm)

95.6° (4/18/24)

95.6° (4/18/24)

Wind Chill

71.5° (2:52am)

44.5° (4/3/24)

-0.5° (1/16/24)

High Humidity

94% (6:34am)

98% (4/9/24)

100% (1/4/24)

Low Humidity

69% (4:20pm)

17% (4/4/24)

15% (2/22/24)

High Pressure

29.81in (11:29am)

30.17in (4/12/24)

30.53in (1/20/24)

Low Pressure

29.72in (5:01pm)

29.41in (4/1/24)

29.35in (3/25/24)

Wind Gust

17 mph (12:27am)

41 mph (4/9/24)

46 mph (2/4/24)


0.00 in

1.90 in (4/16/24)

9.41 in (4/16/24)

Cedar Park Weather Historical Statistics

Moon Phase

Video Archive

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet
Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station  V15.00